it is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people.
Psalm 118: 8
Even my close friend, someone I trusted, one who shared my bread, has turned against me.
Psalm 41: 9
Do not trust anyone - not your best friend or even your wife!
Micah 7: 5
Whatever you do, work Heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,
Colossians 3:23

Shalom, the day today I was disappointed with my partner,
he has become my partner for the last five years
I do everything with him, I decided everything with him. and I set my future with him

At one time because a small quarrel, he decided to leave me abruptly
I try to maintain this relationship, and we were reunited, although I must fight alone to maintain this relationship

but this is the love, I choose to love someone, I always think the best I could do for my partner
I sow goodness because I believe a harvest of goodness

because of this incident, I am reminded of the story of Samson, a strong man who fell out of love.
because too trusting with humans, relying on humans,

like King Saul who are too concerned with the human threat, fear of power captured by David, so to want to kill David

Well, I was reminded to rely on God, and although the circumstances were not good with my partner now, I rely on God,
I confess my sins, I praise the Lord, I am reminded of everything I have belongs to the Lord, God could take anytime. and I learned to surrender.
although I am also disappointed, I learned to trust with my partner, I do my duty to believe with my partner and sow the best I can do.

Trust is being Able to tell our mates our innermost thoughts and feelings, believing they will never be used against us, believing we will be loved and accepted anyway, maybe even more so because of our honesty. Trust is feeling no anger or Jealousy when we see our mates talking to someone of the opposite sex. Trust is believing our mates when they tell us where they have been or what they are thinking, or when they explain what they really meant by what they said.

Trust does put us at our husband's or wife's mercy. It makes us totally vulnerable, and we can get hurt that way! When we really believe someone and later find out that we have been deceived, it makes us feel foolish and humiliated. But what other choice do we have? Without trust there can be no relationship. So we ask God for the grace to keep on trusting, and we believe that God will use our trust to the make our mate more trustworthy if need be. You see, it is not just the Lord asking that question of us. Our mate Also may be asking, "Do you really trust me?"

Are there areas in your life that you have not yielded to God for fear of the consequences? Will you surrender them to Him and ask Him to help you trust Him?

God is good, everything is good, and God wanted me to learn, because life is about learning to be like Him, for we are His disciples and we are not perfect, we strive to be perfect, as He is perfect figure.
until later that we learned the task is complete and the Lord said is enough for the time we learn.

Thank you Lord Jesus, I believe Your plan was good!
